Riley 1st Grade - Mrs. Downing

Front Row (left to right):
1 Brenda Pedigo, 2 Cheryl Lee, 3 Richard Blann(?), 4 Kevin Laverty, 5 Gary Ottinger, 6 Brian Wright(?), 7 Sharon Ward(?), 8 Deborah Faust(?), 9 Sarah Spray, 10 Jane Hizer(?).

 Second Row:
1 Kayla McKinney, 2 Debbie Distelhorst, 3 ____________(?), 4 Janet Myers, 5 ____________(?), 6 Steve Keeney, 7 ____________(?), 8 Steve Michael, 9 Mary Scripture, 10 ____________(?).

 Third Row:
1 ____________(?), 2 ____________(?), 3 Jan Franklin(?), 4 Debbie Cooper, 5 Donna Daily, 6 Dean Bennett, 7 Gayle Peacock, 8 Mike Frey, 9 ____________(?).

Fourth Row:
1 Leslie Schutter, 2 John VanKirk, 3 Janet Norris, 4 Steven Lewis(?), 5 Gary Cunningham, 6 Jeri Jo Buck, 7 Greg Boots, 8 Lynn Beach, 9 Diana Wilson(?), Mrs. Downing.

In this class (may or may not be in picture?)
Steven Clossing, Jackie Gardner, Tom Harrison, Dale Ostler, Jimmy Reed, David Scantland, Miriam Schreck, Dawn Thompson, Linda Trimble

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