from the Website Editor Kenny Wolf ![]() |
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35 Years Reunion
Message written 08/07/07
Classmates & friends,
you were one of the 43 classmates who attended the 35th Reunion, then I
want to thank you for being there. We missed all of you who knew
about it, but did not attend. We really missed those who did not
know about it, but would have attended if they had known.
This is the time for planning the
BIG 40th Reunion. We need to update our email addresses for classmates.
Email me whenever you change email addresses. Nearly half of the
emails we sent out came back undeliverable and we did not do a post office
mailing for this reunion. I was hoping that the presence of this
class web site would be enough, but I heard from several that not everyone
gets on the internet! My other hope was that every classmate would
check the web site as we neared late July and August of 2007, even if they
had to have a friend or relative bring up the site on a library computer
or someone else's computer. My hopes may have been too much.
I apologize for not hiring Pinkerton detectives to seek out and find each
and every one of you and let you know about our gatherings.
At this time, I would like to invite
anyone who would enjoy this research work of accumulating all contact info
for future reunions. A lot of work went into this one by Richelle.
And Sarah Spray Lamm's memorial service, delivered by Richelle, was very
touching. I took some pictures, we have some pictures taken by Diana
Beard Glendenning (the class group photo on the home page was one) Gary
Woodruff took pictures at the picnic in the park, and we look forward to
getting the pictures of Rusty McQueen at the American Legion. Hopefully
we will get some more pictures from some others who had cameras at these
two events.
I told the classmates on Friday night
that we would not have had a 35th class reunion if not for the efforts
of Richelle Dixon Lutz. If some of the classmates who attended want
to see a turnout similar to the 20th, 25th and 30th, then now is the time
to step forward with ideas and elbow grease. Keep in mind that there
were several that we know of who knew about the 35th reunion, but either
had previous plans or simply did not feel like attending and sharing themselves
with the rest of us. They will always be 1972 Frankfort Senior High
School classmates and as I say on the remembrance page "We were all there
together". Please plan to gather with those who remain living when
we celebrate our 40th class reunion.
I appreciate the compliments on this
web site. More could be done, if some classmates put forward requests.
But the photos alone are worth the free price of admission when visiting
this site. I owe a word of thanks to so many classmates for providing
pictures and information.
Kenny Wolf
Message written 08/06/15
Dear Classmates & friends,
an effort to make it easier for classmates and visitors to remember how
to find the Frankfort Class of 1972 Website and to tell others how to find
it and to eliminate the need to bookmark the address, from, I
have acquired the Domain Name: Our host,
ACCS has worked it out so the address brings up my HOME
Page. From there, all sections of my website on are linked; including
the Class of 1972 site.
Note, all the links on the page lead to the ACCS addressed pages. This gateway page was created by me just to help get folks started into the ACCS hosted website and to make it easier for classmates to tell others how to explore it.
Now, if you can remember my name and, you can find the Frankfort Class of 1972 Website from any computer in the world and you can tell others how to find it without reading it to them from a piece of paper or from your computers. Delete all those bookmarks to the Class of 72 site. They are not needed any longer!
Best regards,
30th Reunion of the
Frankfort Senior High School
Class of 1972
Message written 08/02/02 & my personal website
Message written 08/02/02
Welcome Hot Dogs Class of 1972!
I have quite a bit more work ahead of me, showing off our 30th Reunion in pictures. I wouldn't do it if I didn't love it. But I can think of several features that would make this portion of my personal website even more enjoyable, but I simply do not have the time to develop all of these ideas. Maybe someday, a few other classmates will put up personal websites on the "Class of 1972"--I strongly suggest using to keep everything on the same server--to do some of these other things, and links can be provided here to their sites and links from their sites to this site--there would be no need for duplication--just some thinking out loud here.
Thank you, each and every one of you, for your continued interest and support for this "Class of 1972" site. Without your encouragement, I could not dedicate so much time in making it what I think we can all enjoy for years to come. If the good Lord should take me tomorrow, I know accs will find someone to carry on this work.
Best to all of you,
Kenneth J. Wolf
The "Class of 1972" Web site
Message updated 10/10/01
The address of this Class of
'72 page is
This address can be copied and
in your E-mails to other classmates.
My main goal
is to get all of the grade school group pictures up and identify all the
classmates. We also need help in identifying many of the classmates in
the grade school group pictures that are up. When you write to ID students,
tell me the grade school, the class, the teacher, and their position (from
left to right) in the first, second, third or back row. Let me know if
you are sure who someone is (using an "!") or tell me you are pretty sure
who someone is (using a "?"). If you are not positive, I will post a "?"
beside their name.
there are some more Frankfort Junior High School Falcons sports pictures,
I would also like to get them up. I wanted to create a site that all classmates
can enjoy visiting again and again with family and friends. Anything
I put up will belong to all of us. On a time frame, I would like to have
it finished before our next class reunion in 2022 (just kidding).
Hope you enjoy
your journey down memory lane!
Drop your web page comments
to Kenny Wolf
If you live in the Frankfort
sign up today with ACCS
and get started on the Internet
Advanced Computer and Communication Systems, Inc.
Class of 1972 Site
* 40th
Class Reunion Page * 35th
Class Reunion Page *
* 30th Class Reunion page * In
Remembrance *
* Class Reunion Pictures * Graduation
& Senior Pictures *
* Miscellaneous Senior High Pictures *
High School Falcons Pictures *
* Grade School Class Group Pictures *
* Get your pictures on this site *
This site can be found by using,,, or some other
search engines by typing in:
frankfort class 1972